how to make a shoe box


So you want to make a shoe box and are looking for a step by step guide on how to do it? No problem, here is the steps for making a shoe box.

- Empty the shoebox.

- Dump out what's inside and replace it with paper.

- Take off the lid from an old shoebox (or buy one, if you're not crafty).

- Cut all of the sides off of that lid, creating your pattern.

- Glue pattern pieces together in order to form your shoe box walls and bottom.

- Readjust any patterns as needed until they have an even shape and size.

- Cut a piece of paper and wrap it around the top of your box, cutting off any excess.

- Use staples to attach that paper to the lid of your box.

- Make a pattern for a lid, and cut two matching side walls out of cardboard.

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- Glue those two side walls together to form an "L" shape (top facing corners will make it easier to glue).

- Glue the walls to the lid of your box, then laminate them.

- Cut out a window on the cover of your shoebox (if you want one).

- Put some felt over where you cut so that you don't see the cuts.

- Attach the top of your box to the bottom of your lid.

- Carefully insert the shoe into the bottom of your box, and use some tape to hold it in place (if you want one).

- Take a nail and start hammering into the insides of your box, hammering each nail at a 45 degree angle.

- Continue hammering these nails into your shoe from inside out.

- Go back around and attach your other pictures, pictures or whatever you have on the inside. - Done! You now have a working shoebox. If you don't use paper in there, you can now add "stuff".

- You can add more stuff to make it look pretty!

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Shoes are undoubtedly one of the most expensive items you can buy, but they're easy to create at home and decidedly less expensive than their store bought counterparts. You can make a shoe box with just a few materials and spend under $20. A shoebox is simply a square cardboard box that is open on one side and closed on the other, leaving an empty space in between with the lid removed. You can easily make one yourself, but take note: It is made for shoes and not for books, which could require a different design.

Shoe boxes are one of the things that you'll never have to buy again once you have them. You will never have to pay retail prices at stores for a shoe box again because you can build your own and save money in the process. Of course, it can't replace real leather shoeboxes, but it's pretty close, and it's easy to make. You may even be able to recycle an old shoe box into this project; just be sure it has flat sides so that the lid fits securely over them once they're filled with shoes.


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